Hi! My name is Alexander. I am from the United States of America
I have really difficult problems dealing with my addiction. I use smoking weed at first. Then I used cocaine. Then I started smoking crack and life was getting very traumatic and dark for me. I got fired from work, I was not good with my parents, on good terms with my parents. My friends started to turn away from me. My life was getting pretty messed up.
I came to the clinic MedicoMente In November and from the greeting at the airport to come to the clinic to the service of the medical staff here, everything is completely tremendous. They are very carrying people who want to see you recover and sometimes it is hard you know. You take it as a loss, you think you lost something in life when you admitted to your addiction. Believe me, it is not. It is a new road to recovery.
Basically, when I came here, I was greeted at the airport by professional staff that works here. We drove to the clinic, I was told about my treatment and how it’s going to proceed. It was about a week of IV treatments and one blood work test to use Ibogaine and when I went to the Ibogaine treatment it was something very excited and new to me. It was not so much excitement as it is the natural stabilization of myself. What Ibogaine did or does medically is it resets your dopamine cells to a pre addictive state, so when I was given Ibogaine treatment. It is something revitalizing for myself. My brain started thinking differently. I started to know how I going to act differently. I knew exactly what I needed to do in life.in order to step away from my addiction and steps to a new road of a clear mind. It was a very great experience here.
The food here was great delivered from restaurants, The fridge was always filled. Could use a washer every time I needed to, You actually have your close washed here. You don’t wash it for yourself. The fool was outstanding. After my Ibogaine treatment and recovery, When I was at psychological or physical recovery.
MedicoMente employee actually took me to the excursions of Kyiv. I got to see some very famous spots. I got to see the city. They take you out to eat at the restaurant. Maybe a few times even and it’s very professional and very dedicated crew medical staff here. From Sergey Aleksandrovich to Galina and Julia and everybody that works here.T hey just very very helpful. Alright, I recommend this treatment really to anybody that wants to find himself who wants to see life with new eyes. That wat it really helps me do.
Again, Medical staff outstanding. Everything from my arrival to Ukraine to my departure from Ukraine has been just a great stable environment in which I can feel myself. I can feel comfortable. Now I have new goals to reunite with my family. I’d like to start a new job or continue working for my previous job. I just want people to see a new me, because everybody used to know as Alexander the addict. Now I am a completely changed person. Thanks to MedicoMente. They truly saved my life.
If you got any questions you may reach me on my American number that is area code +19549988882. From that point on I will direct you to the head doctor here Sergey Aleksandrovich and he will explain the whole process to you as well in medical terms, I will explain to you the whole process from a personal perspective. If you have any type of addiction. From addiction to drugs, to a gaming addiction, alcoholism whatever it is. Сome to this clinic, they will help you and they will really give you a fresh outlook on life.
Best Regards to you. My name is Alexander. The United States and forward to see you.