Psychostimulant addiction treatment in the clinic MedicoMente – Kiev, Ukraine

The fast pace of modern life, stress and general dissatisfaction push people to search for various stimulants. Some are addicted to smoking blends, others drink heavily, and still others choose psychostimulants. This does not bring the expected result but even more drags the person into the whirlpool of problems.


MedicoMente provides treatment for addiction to psychostimulants. Our medical center in Kyiv offers comfortable conditions, 100% confidentiality, friendly and understanding staff, 4-star-hotel cozy rooms. Make an amendment for a consultation by phone: +380955508525.

Types of psychostimulants

Psychostimulants are drugs that have a stimulating effect on the nervous system. They bring a feeling of satisfaction, euphoria, improve communication, increase the speed of reaction.


Taking psychostimulants improves brain activity, accelerates thought processes, allows achieving 100% concentration, facilitates the perception of information, and stimulates muscle activity.


Having tried it once, narcotic drugs become a relief, an incentive for creativity, an opportunity to feel confident, irresistible, more agile and stronger.
The most popular drug substances:


  • Cocaine. A vegetable substance. Inhaled through the nose or taken intravenously.
  • Pervitin. A synthetic substance. Can be made at home. Gives a short-term stimulating effect, ending with a feeling of extreme weakness.
  • Crack. A type of cocaine. It is highly effective, gives a strong narcotic effect and provokes addiction on a first try. However, the pleasant sensations last no more than a quarter of an hour.
  • Ephedrine. A natural product. Gives damage to the nervous and respiratory systems, heart and blood vessels.
  • Amphetamine. Acts quickly, stays in the blood up to 12 hours.
  • Meth. A synthetic drug. Combines amphetamine with additives. The effect lasts up to 8 hours.
  • Ecstasy. Popular with young people. Provokes the strongest addiction, leads to the development of paranoia and depression.


Actually, the list includes 3-4 dozen of psychostimulants. Caffeine and nicotine are also one of them.

Mechanism of psychostimulant addiction

Taking drugs blunts hunger, drowsiness, and gives a feeling of a superman. But, as you might guess, not for long. The nervous system is highly adaptable. Soon the body will require a higher dose.


And then a terrible truth comes out. The addict is on the hook – increasing the dose has only a temporary effect, while reducing it causes severe mental withdrawal syndrome. This is how addiction to psychostimulants develops.


As mentioned above, one dose is enough to develop addiction. Those who use and think they can simply quit whenever they want do not fully understand the full extent of the problem.


In fact, the chance of healing is zero. Quitting cold turkey at home can plunge a person into a state of shock or even kill.


Therefore, those who have tried to quit never bring the matter to completion. It is easier to take another dose than to relive withdrawal symptoms again. It turns out a vicious circle.

Danger of psychostimulant addiction

Drug addiction quickly destroys the body. Apart from the danger of HIV or hepatitis from repeated use of syringes, drug addicts develop other disorders:


  • Mind: psychosis, depression, suicidal thoughts.
  • Cardiovascular system: hypertension, tachycardia, arrhythmia.
  • CNS: impaired brain activity, impaired vision and complete blindness, mental weakness, cognitive dysfunctions.
  • Genitourinary system: damage to the renal arteries, erectile dysfunction, infertility, gynecological disorders.
  • Other: physical weakness, thrombosis, boils, suppuration at the injection sites.


The situation worsens as the addict alone cannot beat the addiction. He knows he is weak and trapped. However, he rarely seeks medical help. First, it’s embarrassing. Secondly, remembering the withdrawal, he simply does not believe there is an opportunity to break the deadlock.


Health, relationships with loved ones, career and family collapse like a house of cards. Hence, the addict has depression, a feeling of worthlessness, dissatisfaction and despair that he will never return to normal life.


In despair, under the influence of drugs, many decide to commit suicide. But any, even such a serious situation, has its solution. Don’t give up!

Psychostimulants addiction: treatment in Kyiv

MedicoMente, a medical center that specializes in the treatment of various types of addiction, is just exactly what will help you to bring your problem under control. Including the treatment of psychostimulant addiction.


The provided treatment consists of two stages:


  1. Detoxification in the acute period. Relief of withdrawal symptoms, psychiatric examination, prescription of tranquilizers, cleansing the body of toxins. If necessary, resuscitation.
  2. Rehabilitation and getting rid of addiction. Psychotherapy, taking medications that suppress the activity of the nervous system. Strict medical supervision.


The duration of treatment and drugs are selected individually for each patient.

Accommodation conditions and options at MedicoMente

Our center is little different from a hotel. Go for a massage, work out in the gym, take time for your hobby.


The center provides its patient with:


  • Security.
  • Meals on request.
  • Comfortable rooms.
  • Unlimited Internet.
  • Individual treatment regimen.
  • Fitness gym, massage therapist’s office.
  • Cozy, hotel-like environment.


Our task is to help a person get rid of addiction without censure, in a friendly and comfortable environment:


  • Restore the damaged physical and mental health.
  • Help to find the strength to live a normal life.
  • Resocialize and reunite with the family.


This is possible with a combination of several factors – unconditional trust and focus on the result on the part of the patient, high medical professionalism and vast experience in getting rid of addictions.


If you or your loved ones are in a crisis and need to radically solve the problem of addiction, make an amendment for a consultation, inpatient treatment. We will help!


The doctors of MedicoMemte count hundreds of saved lives. Don’t put your health at risk. Remember, each situation has its solution, and we will help you find it!



Make an appointment:



Narcologist consultations in Kyiv, at: 
08340, Ukraine, Kyiv region, Boryspil district, Hnedynska village council, Kalyna horticultural society, Medovaia Str., 10.

Patient reviews on addiction treatment

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