Drug addiction treatment in the MedicoMente clinic

Only a specialized drug rehabilitation hospital can provide real and stable treatment results in drug addiction. MedicoMente inpatient clinic offers high-class specialists skilled in modern techniques, expert diagnostic studies, round-the-clock monitoring and control of all stages of treatment.

What does drug addiction treatment mean in the hospital clinic “MedicoMente”

Inpatient drug rehabilitation has many significant advantages:


  • Emergency detoxification in the intensive care unit;
  • Round-the-clock monitoring of the patient’s condition, management at all treatment steps, support after recovery;
  • Fast assistance by professional specialists;
  • Combination treatment of drug addiction, concomitant diseases, mental and physical condition;
  • Original licensed techniques, international guidelines, and an individualized approach;
  • Exclusion of unwanted patient contacts (triggers) provoking or contributing to drug use;
  • Complete confidentiality and security at all stages of treatment;
  • Comfortable conditions;
  • Diagnostics and therapy with modern equipment meeting the criteria of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Lines of inpatient drug rehabilitation

Treatment proceeds as follows:


  • Motivation and adaptation of the patient;
  • General and specific detoxification;
  • Medication and physiotherapy, mental and psychological recovery;
  • Socialization.

Drug rehabilitation program

A drug rehabilitation program is primarily aimed at achieving and maintaining stable remission from drug use and craving.


Complete recovery of the body through medication and instrumental techniques: plasmapheresis, laser and ultraviolet blood irradiation, lymphatic drainage using expert class equipment.


Psychotherapeutic support throughout the course:


  • identifying the causes of mental drug addiction;
  • choosing the optimal course of treatment;
  • preventing complications and relapses;
  • responding to the slightest changes in consciousness;
  • adaptation of the patient to a sober lifestyle, new emotions, thoughts;
  • family sessions.


Our patients do not leave the clinic into the blue. Throughout the year, and, if necessary, even longer, we continue cooperation at least 1-2 times a month, accompany (support) the patient and his/her relatives. We have follow-ups, provide support and assistance in solving the arisen difficulties. If necessary, the patient can, supervised and accompanied by security, change his/her place of residence, environment, social contacts.

Stages of drug addiction treatment in a hospital

Stages of inpatient drug rehabilitation include a set of measures:


  • Motivation – during the first visit the problem is identified and the need for treatment is argued;
  • Diagnostics – tests, instrumental and laboratory studies, consultation of a therapist and specialized professionals;
  • Detoxification of the body of psychoactive substances and toxins formed as a result of metabolic processes, and prevention of withdrawal symptoms;
  • Psychotherapy – accompanying by a drug psychotherapist at all stages of treatment;
  • Medication (use of specific pharmacological drugs with proven efficacy);
  • Unique programs and techniques (Ibogaine therapy, aversive therapy, use of original depot drugs);
  • Instrumental techniques – restoring the body with the help of modern equipment (electro-neuro-cranio stimulation, neuro-modeling, plasma replacement, ultraviolet and laser blood irradiation, etc.);
  • Additional therapy – treatment of concomitant diseases, physiotherapy, various types of massage, therapeutic exercises.


The entire optimal range of treatment procedures, examinations, and tests is available in one medical institution!

Specialized medical hospital

Our specialists have long ago shown the effectiveness of inpatient treatment in the medical center.


The clinic offers very comfortable conditions: cozy rooms, delivery of restaurant meals, access to the Internet. Sterile cleanliness and modern equipment is the only reminder of a medical center. We maintain the strictest confidentiality – the staff signs a non-disclosure agreement, all outgoing documents are encrypted.


In addition to health safety, our center is 24-hour guarded by two security companies that monitor and control the clinic around the clock.


The quality and prices of our services attract not only Ukrainian but also foreign patients. They already know they will receive qualified help here and will return home recovered, both physically and mentally. The doctors of the clinic speak fluently different foreign languages and make our guests feel at home. If desired, we provide a transfer and cultural program for our guests.


Leaving MedicoMente, a person always has new goals and plans in life. He/she has an accurate attitude that drugs bring evil, grief, loss of health, and do away with them.


If you need to persuade a loved one to visit our clinic, we will give you detailed instructions and stick to you in trouble.


We support you in your pursuit of the result – live a healthy, full-on, and sober life!



Making an appointment is quite simple:




Narcologist consultations in Kyiv, at:
08340, Ukraine, Kyiv region, Boryspil district, Hnedynska village council, Kalyna horticultural society, Medovaia Str., 10.

Patient reviews on drug addiction treatment

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