What is Ultrafast Opioid Detoxification (UFOD, Turbo Detox)?
Ultrafast opioid detoxification (UFOD) is the most effective, quick and painless technique aimed at removal acute and chronic intoxication of opium with substances and drugs. UROD is an effective way to overcome physical dependence on opiates, the peak of abstinence symptoms is a withdrawal that takes place under general anesthesia, reducing the detoxification process from 10-15 days to 8-12 hours.
The technique has been actively used in narcology, toxicology and intensive care since the middle of the 20th century. It is the procedure of choice for detoxification of patients who are on a systemic reception of narcotic analgesics of the opioid series, people who have made a difficult decision to leave a heavy habit in the past, to be off drugs. It has direct indications for emergency care, relief of life-threatening symptoms against an overdose of opium-containing drugs or their synthetic analogues.
UFOD process (turbo detox) at the MedicoMente clinic
Carrying out ultrafast detoxification according to the unique protocol of our clinic, shows high efficiency, quick and comfortable solution to problems of physical dependence and complete detoxification of the body from various types of opium containing substances and medications: natural, natural opiates like Raw Opium, Morphine, “Shirka”; semi-synthetic like Heroin, Morphine, Dehydrocodeine; synthetic ones like Promidol, Omnopon, Fentanyl, Oxycodone; as well as substances similar in their effect on the body: synthetic analogues like drugs of substitution therapy (ST): Methadone, LAAM; opioid receptor antagonist agonists (partial agonists) like Buprenorphine, Suboxone, Nalbuphine. As for the last, before the applying of ultrafast detoxification in the clinic, the patient is recommended to undergo special training, an out-patient basis or in a comfortable hospital.
The safety of carrying out UROD is directly depend on the qualifications of the medical staff, equipping the clinic with specialized medical equipment, the availability of necessary medical supplies and of course the most important thing is the preliminary examination and diagnosis of the patient. Before the procedure each patient is obligatory: undergoes consultation and examination by an anesthetist, a complete diagnosis of organs and systems, assessment of the results of general and biochemical blood counts, ECG, determination of the type and dose of the used substance, 24-hour monitoring of the patient’s physical condition before the procedure.
Contraindications UFOD (turbo-detox)
UROD like any medical intervention has a number of contraindications for carrying out: sharpening of chronic diseases; acute circulatory disorders (strokes, heart attacks, thrombosis); acute injuries and bleeding; severe lungs, liver, and kidneys damage; it is strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.
Subject to all the above rules and the exclusion of contraindications, the procedure is completely safe for the human body. It is carried out exclusively in the conditions of a specialized intensive care unit, the patient is immersed in a state of deep medical sleep “Anesthesia”, in compliance with all norms and rules of maintaining extended anesthesia. Throughout the time, the anesthetist-resuscitator monitors the patient’s condition: medications are introduced to stabilize the somatic state, water-salt balance, hormonal and neurometabolic balance; the procedure is accompanied by auxiliary ventilation of lungs, protection of respiratory track and respiratory system; if necessary, the degree of anesthesia is deepened to overcome unpleasant sensations and maximize patient comfort at its completion; hardware monitoring is carried out: electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram, control of pulse, blood pressure, body temperature, injected and withdrawn fluids.
The portioned introduction of a full agonist of opioid receptors Naloxone is directed: to destroy the stable connection of opiodic receptors with an opiate; releases and removes the bound compound from the cells and tissues of the body. The use of an extended form Naltrexone (Antaxone): blocks the receptor for opiates, as a result of opium containing substances are not able to affect the body, thereby not causing a narcotic, intoxicating effect, suppresses craving and desire for a drug.
At the end of the procedure, the patient has an excellent condition, vitality is restored, pain symptoms are absent, appetite is restored, sleep is normalized, mood is increased.
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