Treatment of alcohol abuse with coding

According to open access statistics, alcohol abuse is one of the most common types of addiction in Ukraine. One of the most effective and popular methods for eliminating this type of addiction is coding.


Coding for alcoholism means the use of various procedures and techniques that have an effect on the central nervous system of a person, under the influence of which the patient considers any kind of alcohol as poison, and thus develops an attitude towards a sober lifestyle. Today, there are different ways of such treatment.

Types and terms of coding

Basically, there are three categories of coding:


  • instrumental treatment;
  • medication;
  • psychotherapeutic methods.


The essence of hardware coding is the effect of a laser modulating device and/or an electrocranostimulation device on certain parts of the brain. The disadvantage is the absence of a psychotherapeutic rehabilitation program, and, as a consequence, its use as monotherapy for the treatment of addictions is not as effective as others, and as a result, it bears risks of relapses.


The most physiological and popular method of coding is the use of a special pharmacological substance – Disulfiram, which is absolutely incompatible with alcohol. In the case of taking even a small dose of alcohol against the background of the blocker used, the patient’s condition will deteriorate sharply due to the disulfiram-ethanol reaction. At the same time, a person adequately realizes the harm of taking alcohol-containing drinks, and develops a persistent negative reflex to alcohol.


Psychotherapeutic – a hypnotic coding for alcoholism. A person is subconsciously convinced in complete refusal to drink alcohol, usually medication is not used. However, it is worth noting that there are people who are not susceptible to hypnosis.


Based on the method of coding, the timing of active exposure can vary differently and is selected individually. The minimum period is 3 months, but longer coding for six months or more is also possible. Most often, coding for one year is recommended.

Indications for coding

The main indication for coding is diagnosed alcoholism and the inability of a person to independently control the frequency and dose of alcohol intake, a tendency to binge drinking.



Potential clients are:


  • all those who abuses alcohol but at an early stage of addiction;
  • the 2nd and 3rd stage alcoholics, after a specialized course of psychotherapy, against the background of complete detoxification of the body;
  • people who need re-coding, which will ensure adequate protection of the body for the next period.



Subcutaneous Disulfiram-containing implant can be indicated for patients at any stage of the disease, especially for those who are poorly susceptible to hypno-therapeutic or hardware effects. Coding can also help patients who have short intervals between binges, and if the binge lasts no more than three days.

Reasons of inefficient coding

The main reasons of inefficient coding are as follows:


  • lack of personal motivation of a person to heal
  • incompetence of the doctor – not all clinics work under license, use certified methods, an individual approach to each individual patient
  • the patient does not follow the medical recommendations of the doctor
  • the procedure is effective only for a certain period
  • the patient always can decode
  • relapse at the end of the coding period


Therefore, it is sometimes quite difficult to predict in advance the effects the coding procedure will bring for a person: help or complications.

Decoding procedure

Decoding is a procedure for canceling the effect of an introduced substance or psychological attitude, which implied the refusal of alcohol. Depending on the encoding method, the decoding methods are also different.


In case of an implant, it is removed, and the patient undergoes active cleansing of the body from active substances. In the case of long-term use of pills, the patient stops their systematic intake.


When coding with the help of hypnosis, a second session is carried out, during which the hypnotherapist removes the previously ingrained attitudes.


In case of decoding against the background of pharmacological drugs, the patient may start taking alcohol again only after the complete cessation of the effect of active substances in the body.

Benefits of a comprehensive treatment of alcoholism

Since unassisted attempts to overcome alcohol addiction can often be ineffective, the best way to help a patient can be a customized combination treatment of alcoholism in a specialized hospital. In such conditions, doctors select effective methods of detoxification, drug therapy and coding based on the individual characteristics of the patient.


Treatment consists of several stages and includes adequate detoxification of the body, removal of withdrawal symptoms against the background of alcohol withdrawal, medical rehabilitation treatment, work with a psychotherapist to increase motivation, and prevention of possible relapses. The therapy proceeds on an inpatient basis under the constant supervision of specialists, which makes it possible to screen the patient from a bad environment, normalize the nervous system, cleanse the body of toxic substances, get a thorough diagnosis of internal organs, restore compromised body functions, and completely get rid of cravings for alcohol.


Thus, a well-chosen comprehensive course of adequate therapy is more effective than other types of alcoholism control. Coding for alcoholism is available at MedicoMente, the medical center in Kyiv, which uses a comprehensive treatment for all types of addiction and thus ensures high results and stable remission after inpatient treatment.

Common reasons of relapses

Not all patients do coding for alcohol voluntarily. The procedure itself implies a life without drinking alcohol during the entire period of the therapeutic effect. Personally motivated patients do not experience breakdowns, unlike those who have been forced into treatment.


Reasons of relapses can be as follows:


  • worsening of general condition
  • excessive mental stress
  • problems at work
  • everyday problems



After all, there are those patients who, upon completion of the coding effect, continue to drink. It is believed that even a small amount of alcohol consumed can lead to binge drinking again.


But, there are also cases when patients break down without waiting for the end of the coding period. In this case, the physical condition of the patient is sharply aggravated with a severe weakness, insomnia, body disorders, alcohol addiction, which ends in binge drinking. In such cases, a person urgently needs to contact the center’s doctor to prevent more serious consequences of a breakdown.

Conditions in our clinic

The cost of services is calculated for each patient individually according to the clinic’s price list, treatment regimen, and state at admission.


Making an appointment is quite simple:




Visit us at:
Medovaia Str., 10., Kalyna horticultural society, Hnedynska village council, Boryspil district, Kyiv region

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