MedicoMente is a modern addiction treatment center

Medical center for the treatment of drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling addiction, depression

Our medical center meets international standards, subject to all aspects of control of various types of addiction. We manage our patients from their first visit to the end of rehabilitation. Our patients are assisted at all stages to maintain their motivation and desire for a conscious life.


Our mission is to provide in Ukraine support to addicts and their relatives using the most effective, best-practice methods.


Our goal is to create an international center where people from anywhere in the world could get quality treatment (rather than switching to other types) of addiction and mental disorders.


Our specialists used to practice in foreign clinics to adopt the best practices, select the most effective methods, and open a center providing a unique combination of high-quality treatment of all types of addiction and a five-star-hotel comfort.


Now we know for sure that coping with addiction is possible and that “ex-addicts” exist.


Наркологическая клиника Киев | МедикоМенте
Наркологическая клиника Киев | МедикоМенте
Наркологическая клиника Киев | МедикоМенте
Наркологическая клиника Киев | МедикоМенте
Наркологическая клиника Киев | МедикоМенте
Наркологическая клиника Киев | МедикоМенте
Наркологическая клиника Киев | МедикоМенте
Наркологическая клиника Киев | МедикоМенте

A private narcological clinic is:


  • Painless and safe treatment: starting from detoxification in the intensive care unit to complete physical and mental recovery.
  • Сomfortable stay in single and double spacious hotel-type wards with round-the-clock professional supervision.
  • Restaurant food is delivered to the clinic three times a day considering the wishes of the patient and indications for a therapeutic diet (if necessary).
  • The safety of patients and staff is ensured by our reliable partners – security companies, and round-the-clock video surveillance in public places.
  • A recreation and communication room, cable TV, Wi-Fi Internet access, a modern gym, physiotherapy, and various types of massage make the stay in the clinic during treatment a vacation in the top-level hotels. Patients relax and recover much faster.
  • Full recovery of the body is possible due to mechanical techniques: plasmapheresis, laser and ultraviolet irradiation of blood, and lymphatic drainage provided with expert-class equipment.


  • To normalize the functions of the nervous system, neurometabolic therapy is used as additional methods. In the case of any concomitant diseases, appropriate courses of treatment are prescribed.
  • Psychotherapeutic support throughout the entire course solves the patient’s problems to the core, revealing the causes of mental addiction to narcotic substances, alcohol, and other disorders (panic attacks, anxiety, depression) and effectively copes with them. This allows avoiding complications and relapses. Specialists are sensitive to the slightest changes in consciousness, help to get along with new emotions, feelings, thoughts and focus on a full recovery.
  • The center conducts tests for sobriety, drugs, and other psychoactive substances, instrumental studies (ultrasound, ECG), and the partner laboratory performs more complex analyzes.
  • All patients are guaranteed complete confidentiality.


Наркологическая клиника Киев | МедикоМенте


Medical tourism


Foreign visitors have already appreciated the center. A comprehensive approach (from complete diagnosis and ultra-fast painless detoxification to rehabilitation), modern effective methods using original drugs, and quality service constantly stay high in favor of our patients.


We meet our clients at the airport or at the railway station and provide a convenient transfer. Additional advantages are no language barrier, European cuisine, and a stay in luxury wards.


Our specialists take care of you


  • The constant staff accounts for 8 doctors in all necessary areas: anesthesiology, intensive care, narcology, psychiatry, psychotherapy, neurology, and therapy.
  • All our doctors have extensive experience in narcology, internships, and training in European clinics.
  • The medical center is equipped with all necessary equipment for detoxification, recovery, and proper care. The goal of treatment is the complete recovery of the body and the renewal of consciousness.
  • Skincare services and anti-aging procedures will complement internal changes with pleasant external upgrades.
  • The medical center has a license of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine; programs developed by our specialists comply with internal and international protocols for the treatment of addiction and correction of mental disorders.


Наркологическая клиника Киев | МедикоМенте

Frequently asked questions

Do we guarantee confidentiality of treatment?

Yes, the location of each patient is strictly confidential.
In our work, we are guided by Ukrainian Law on the provision of medical care, non-disclosure of personal data and medical secrets, guarantee complete confidentiality at all stages of the provision of medical care.

Does the psychological state influence the development of addiction to psychoactive substances?

Yes, and very often.
In our practice, we are faced with situations where the experienced psychological scar contributes to the development of addiction to alcohol, drugs or other psychoactive substances that a person uses as a kind of “painkiller”.

What treatment methods are used in the clinic?

We use original techniques both our own and international protocols, an individual approach.
In our clinic, various types of chemical (psychoactive substances, narcotic substances, alcohol) and non-chemical (gambling, addiction to gambling, addictive behavior), both physical and mental components are treated. The methods are selected individually, depending on the identified problem, stage of the disease, somatic and mental state of the patient, and other related complications.

How does the treatment go?

Treatment takes place in a comfortable hospital under 24-hour supervision of medical staff. It includes all stages: identifying and determining the problem, motivation for a healthy lifestyle, drawing up an individual treatment plan, diagnosis, detoxification, physical and mental stabilization, restoration of impaired functions.

What are the conditions of stay in the clinic?

The clinic has comfortable and cozy wards of stay, balanced diet.
Stay in a single, double, or triple room, equipped with everything you need: a private toilet, a shower, a hygienic shower, an air conditioner, a staff call button, WiFi, SmartTV, a personal safe, complex individual nutrition and a gym. The conditions correspond to the 4+* hotel.

How long does the treatment take? What to do if extension of hospital treatment is required?

After a thorough analysis of the clinical case by the clinic’s specialists, the duration of treatment is determined individually and negotiated with the patient and his relatives, on average 10-14 days of inpatient stay. If there is a need to expand the program to achieve the maximum effect, it is discussed individually.

What is the cost of treatment in the clinic?

The price for the provision of services is located on the website in the “Price” section.
It is possible to accurately calculate the cost of treatment for each individual patient after a preliminary assessment of human condition and diagnosis of a person in a free consultation. It is calculated individually according to the price list of the clinic: it depends on the general condition of the patient at the time of admission, the methods used, analyzes and additional surveys, the type of placement, duration of stay. All these are fixed according to the price list of the clinic.

Is compulsory treatment possible in the clinic?

No. The clinic does not provide treatment without voluntary consent, treatment can be started after the signing of the information consent and treatment agreement by the patient. An exception is hospitalization in an intensive care unit for emergency care against life-threatening conditions, solely for medical indications as agreed by the parties.

Can I carry out detoxification at home?

The clinic does not provide “at home” treatment services. Detoxification, other medical procedures and manipulations are carried out exclusively in a hospital, in the ward of intensive care under strict 24-hour control of vital signs of the body. The clinic is licensed and equipped with a complete list of modern medical equipments according to the criteria of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, all groups of pharmacological supplies for routine treatment and emergency medical care are always available.

Can I visit the patient during the treatment phase?

Yes, but only by agreement.
You can visit at any time convenient for the patient, subject to the daily routine of the plan of medical procedures for each individual patient.

How to get to the clinic?

For nonresident patients and those who escorting them, we will arrange a transfer from airports or the railway station of Kiev (by preliminary arrangement). You can get it yourself by personal or public transport, (the route can be laid out in the navigator of a mobile device directly by clicking on the address specified on the website of clinic, in the “Contacts” section).

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Our team

We have put together a team of experienced doctors who worked in European clinics and brought to Ukraine the most advanced techniques that will help get rid of the addiction in a painless, quick, and comfortable way. We will do everything to get over the disease forever.